Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week 4 - Thank goodness for technology

This week started off great, and then I was hit with flu/food poisoning on Friday and have been laid up in bed since and still. Thank goodness for technology; I have my laptop here with me and with wi-fi I can post my blog without being late, or sitting up! Apologies to my team members for not posting the past three days, but was a little busy :-(.

Our conversations about teacher vs. glitz have been very interesting. In a traditional classroom it is easy to project enthusiasm, not quite so easy in an online classroom. I try to focus on things that make the students comfortable - responding to posts in timely manner, clear instructions, examples, all the things that I appreciate as an online student. Have to consider the enthusiasm angle more - I thought I projected it, but I know I can improve and that is why I am taking these courses.

Started collecting reseach on Benjamin Bloom for my paper. I think I already have more than I need. There is so much information about him and the old and revised taxonomy. It's been awhile since I have written a formal paper, so I am trying to work on it diligently. Write, rewrite, rewrite, rewrite...

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