Sunday, February 24, 2008

Week 6 - Theorist Papers ~ Sharing

Week ended great with two snow days (Thursday and Friday). That's the up side. The down side is that's seven so far this year; looks like it may take our school year beyond Memorial Day.

One of the things I really like about online classes is the sharing of information, knowledge, insight that takes place among the students. This week I feel like I have learned so much more from reading the theorist papers that I did from reading the text. It is always interesting to see other points of views on topics, and helps when evaluating my own point of view. I still have 2 or 3 left to read, but will finish that up this evening.

Don't know if anyone else feels the same way, but I really have a hard time with references. I bought the revised APA Manual, and I have a Little Brown Compact Handbook, and I downloaded sample APA format from the Online Writing Center (Owl). Feel pretty good about the final product, but can't count the amount of time I spent agonizing over the correct way to cite things. Guess that is what happens when you haven't written a paper for a few years.

The readings for next week are timely. Our administration is pushing to get sets of clickers for all language arts and math classrooms. The response at this time has not been overwhelming approval by the faculty. After glancing through Chapter 11, it looks like some of the issues we are dealing with are addressed in that chapter.

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