Thursday, January 31, 2008

Week 3 - Instructional Design

I'm writing this on Thursday from home because - yeah! snow day!! Even though there is no snow, but expectation of 3 - 8 inches later this afternoon. Guess my snow dance worked. I'll worry about having days added to the school year later.

The following statement from Reiser & Dempsey page 14 of reading this week is very relevant to what I am working on right now: "Although the data may not always bring good news, they are always "friendly" in that they provide a rational basis for decision making and a basis for successfully completing the project." I'm helping with data collection/analysis for pre-and post-common assessments for language arts and math classes. The pre- and post- comparison data is used to determine competencies on standards, determine the types of inteventions required, etc. If I am applying the ADDIE model properly, the pre-test data would be considered in the analysis phase, and the post-test data in the evaluation phase. The goal of the project would be to maintain and/or increase student scores on MAP tests.

Evidently I keep a lot on my mind - didn't realize until I was working through the ADDIE project for this week how many steps I work through mentally and never put down in writing. Not altogether a bad thing, but not all that good either. Makes it too easy to assume that others have the information to work from that I have, and obviously that is not always true. Working through something like ADDIE does away with some of the assumptions, because it is all there in print to check and recheck.

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