Sunday, May 4, 2008

Week 15 Reusability Revisited and Rich Media

Readings this week started with a revisit to our group project topic. Made a lot more sense this time around. Chapter 30 content on uses of Rich Media was full of information that I can use when incorporating rich media into the design of lessons. I looked at the use of sound and video in a different light after reading. Just because I think something is technologically cool doesn't mean it will help my student learn, and may even distract them from learning.

I got a kick out of the summing up paragraph on page 331 for Chapter 31 where the young girl recognizes the school. The authors defined education and training in that part of the article as the most conservative of fields for years, and yet sometimes I think that is OK. Sometimes what works just works. The choices for the ways that people learn are increasing and in a rapid manner, but hopefully not so rapidly that what is good is thrown out in favor of what is exciting about the future.

Trainer of designers-by-assignment--great job title. I wonder if in fact as Merrill indicated on page 340 that most of the college-trained instructional designers become managers?